In any organisation, the department that dictate if the business succeeds or fail is the sales and business development team. That’s because companies generate revenue from sales and the lack of sales is the reason for low revenue.

Every sales executive wants more prospects and clients, but do prospects want these sales executive? When sales executive performs a sales pitch to their prospects, the prospect already has questions in mind that they want you to answer but doesn’t let you know.

These are the 3 questions prospects want to know from you:

1. Why must I buy?

If you are selling me a pen, I want to know why I need this pen. I am not interested to know about the casing, designs, nor the smoothness of the ink. I want to know how does buying this pen helps me, what will I be missing out if I do not buy this pen.

At this stage, you need to promote the advantages of your product or the industry you represent. Tell your prospect why they need to buy your product and you are one step towards closing the deal.

2. Why must I buy from you?

There are so many sales representatives from various companies selling similar products that you carry, why do I need to buy from your company?

This is where you need to explain the selling points of your pen. What does your pen embody that the other brands do not? What value will it deliver to me and my daily life? How can it help bring my business forward?

This is the stage where you need to best represent your company to your prospect. Present your organisation according to your prospects’ needs.

3. Why must I buy now?

Why should I buy it now instead of waiting for other offers from other companies? What will I miss if I choose to consider your pitch instead of sealing it now?

At this point, give your prospect confidence that by purchasing your product, they will enjoy the ultimate satisfaction of solving their problems.

At this stage, it is the urgency and emotional stage. Tap onto these two areas to seal the deal.

What if all these were not answered?

Then the dreaded “Let me think about it” will come from your prospect. As a sales representative myself, this sentence means “I am not interested but I am rejecting you in a polite manner”. All sales executives will agree with this.

The psychological reasons for these 3 questions are based on 2 fears:

  • Fear of making a mistake
  • Fear of losing money

People buy emotionally, but they justify it logically. These 3 questions will help you frame your selling process and bring in more sales than you can possibly imagine!

To your success,



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