If you’re just starting out in your entrepreneurship journey, you’ve likely heard of the term business assets. These assets, of course, tend to refer to liquid assets things of monetary value that someone claims legitimate ownership of. This could mean anything from cash and stocks to real estate and intellectual property.

With all the different kinds of assets, you may wonder what the greatest asset is? If you think of someone like Jack Ma, you’d probably think the answer would be his ownership of Alibaba. If you think about Bill Gates, his biggest asset is probably Microsoft. But many people have different kinds of assets depending on who they are.

If you ask me, of course my family is up there. I’d also say that time is one of my most valuable assets, as it probably is for. But in my opinion, the biggest asset that everybody has is their EARNING ABILITY.

Simply put, this is a person’s ability to maximise whatever resources they have time, finances, connections to add more value to their lives. But how exactly is this done? And how can we make the most of our earning ability? Here are three simple ways for you to access your biggest financial asset:

1. More Time Does Not Equate to More Money

Most people think earning ability simply means doing more things, but it isn’t. And that’s why one of the most dangerous lies you can tell yourself that diminishes your earning ability is to say, “I can’t do that because I have no time.”

The truth is, we all have time. All of us are given 24 hours in a day, regardless of who you are and where you come from. Certainly, it can’t be denied that others might have it better, but to really maximise your earning ability, you have to first assess the things you can and can’t control.

Most people spend 30-40 years working before they retire, and that’s when they realise that they didn’t stop to really think about how they could’ve done more with the little time given to them.

2. Invest in Yourself

Part of maximising your earning ability is making sure you invest in yourself. The best way to do it is through learning.

Now some of you might think that this simply means getting a diploma or multiple degrees. And these certainly help. Plus, you should never be afraid to get one late in life. But in the internet age, there are so many new forms of education. You can learn so many new skills directly from experts just through online coaching or online classes.

Learning comes in all forms, and you shouldn’t stop yourself from acquiring more skills simply because the idea of a degree or starting something new scares you. There are many ways to learn, upskill and eventually earn from your newfound knowledge or expertise.

3. Discover More Sides to Yourself

Now, as you grow your learning to maximise your earning ability, you should also use these new skills to discover new sides to yourself, specifically, by making sure that you have multiple streams of income.

Don’t just use your job to make money, but try having other streams of income, like selling products, or beefing up your stock portfolio. These might seem like daunting tasks which I totally understand but what’s a little bit of discomfort to getting to live a comfortable life in the long term? As an entrepreneur, you have many sides to yourself. You just need the confidence to bring those out. And when you do, that’s when you can really maximise your most important financial asset.

Ready to invest in your earning ability? Well it starts with watching videos like this to get you going on your way to being a top-class entrepreneur: Your Greatest Financial Asset


To your success,


[Visit www.mariosingh.com now to enjoy a FREE e-book of my latest “37 Essential Principles for Massive Success” when you subscribe!]